About Lulacruza

Lulacruza is an electronic folk duo operating at the junction of the hypermodern and the ancient. Their music weaves together hypnotic female singing, South American folk instruments and electronic processing, while channeling pulsating waves from the source of creation.
Lalucruza is also a community where you can connect with other music lovers to collaborate, exchange ideas and share knowledge. A platform for who wants to learns the basics of playing piano, guitar, drum masters’ technique, etc.. is the premise of our website.
Website History
A traveling visual album that lies in between music and cinema.
Evolving from contemporary ideas of field recordings, this film is a quest for the sounds and people of present-day Colombia, and a continuous improvisation by the filmmaker and musicians as we compose and create on the road.
A collaboration between French filmmaker Vincent Moon (www.vincentmoon.com) and the Argentinean-Colombian duo Lulacruza (www.lulacruza.com), this project documents a series of travels through Colombia to explore its musical diversity. Exposing the different natural and ethnic regions in Colombia as we collaborate with local folkloric musicians; and making new music inspired by the music and sounds of each place and its people.
Colombia is the country with most of flora and fauna species by square km in the world! And its music is equally diverse: the result of more than 80 different indigenous ethnicities mixed with African and European traditions. This project is an exploration of the musical richness of Colombia, which is closely linked to its ecological richness.
How we will do it
We will be traveling for a month and a half in Colombia, going to 6 different regions. We will do field recordings of the natural environment and the daily life of the places. And we will interact with the local musicians, creating new music that is based in the tradition and its roots, as well as contemporary techniques. At each place we visit, we will do an exchange, offering free concerts and workshops to the communities.
Your money will be used to pay for traveling expenses for all musicians involved in the project, and it will pay for equipment necessary to hold free concerts and workshops throughout the country.
The visual album will be freely distributed through the internet under a Creative Commons license.
In the search for Colombia’s musical diversity we will be traveling from the deep marimba music of the rivers in the Pacific rainforest, to the native Nasa flutes from the sacred lagoons of the Andes, from the timeless water chants of the Sierra Nevada, to the urban hoods where cumbia, champeta and vallenato are pumped through huge sound systems. In this journey we hope to show how each place is expressed through its music, and hope to create new music, in collaboration with the people and essence of each place.
Your help and contribution is vital for the project. We are grateful for your help funding and promoting this project. We can’t do it without you, thanks for your support.
Estamos contentos de compartir la exuberancia y la belleza profunda de la música Colombiana con el resto del mundo! Ayúdennos a preservar la diversidad de la vida y la diversidad de la música haciendo parte de este proyecto.
Un álbum visual itinerante que combina música e imágenes.
Este proyecto es una búsqueda de los sonidos actuales de Colombia, inspirado en los métodos contemporáneos de las grabaciones de campo. Es una improvisación continua del videógrafo y los músicos mientras componemos y creamos on the road .
Este trabajo audiovisual documenta la colaboración entre el videografo francés Vincent Moon (www.vincentmoon.com) y el dúo Argentino-Colombiano Lulacruza (www.lulacruza.com), durante una serie de viajes a través de Colombia para explorar su diversidad musical. A partir de encuentros con músicos tradicionales de folklor exploraremos las distintas regiones étnicas y naturales del país, creando nueva música.
Colombia es el país con mayor cantidad de especies de flora y fauna por kilómetro cuadrado en el mundo! Y su música es igualmente diversa siendo el resultado de más de 80 etnias indígenas que se mezclaron con las tradiciones Africanas y Europeas. Este proyecto es una exploración de la riqueza musical de Colombia, que está directamente ligada a su riqueza ecológica.
Cómo lo vamos a hacer:
Viajaremos durante mes y medio por Colombia, yengo a 6 regiones diferentes. Haremos grabaciones de campo de la naturaleza y de la vida contidiana de la gente. Y vamos a interactuar con los músicos locales, creando nuevas músicas que están basadas en la tradición y sus raices, y también en el uso de técnicas contemporáneas.
En cada lugar haremos intercambios, ofreciendo conciertos y talleres gratuitos a la comunidad.
El dinero de sus donaciones se usará para transporte, alimentación y estadia de todos los músicos involucrados en el proyecto, y para pagar el equipo técnico necesario que nos permitirá hacer los conciertos y talleres gratis a través del país.
El resultado final del proyecto, es un disco visual que será distribuido GRATIS a través de Internet -con una licencia de Creative Commons-.
… Desde la profunda música de marimba de los ríos en la selva del Pacífico, hasta las flautas de los indígenas Nasa en las sagradas lagunas Andinas, desde los cantos inmemoriables de la Sierra Nevada hasta los barrios donde la cumbia, la champeta y el vallenato suenan a todo volumen en sistemas de sonido gigantes…
Su ayuda es vital para llevar a cabo este proyecto! Agradecemos sus donaciones y su ayuda promoviéndolo. Gracias por su apoyo ) ) ) )
Luis Maurette Luis is a percussionist, electronic musician, and multimedia artist. He graduated from Berklee College of Music, studied at CCMIX in Paris, and Mastered in Experimental Electronic Music at Mills College. He has performed and released music in NYC, Paris, Buenos Aires, Bogotá, San Francisco, Boston & São Paulo. In his music and video work, Luis explores the relationship of ancient and contemporary ways of life, how these two seemingly opposite viewpoints overlap and can nurture each other. He has lived throughout the American continent, bridging north and south, and exploring universal principles that connect different cultures. Sound, as a carrier of meaning and knowledge, as the unifying vibrational building block of the universe, as a reflection of time, as song, music and culture, is the primary inspiration for his art and life.
Alejandra Ortiz Alejandra is a singer/songwriter from Bogotá, Colombia. She has a deep connection with the immemorial practices of her land and plays native instruments from different cultures. She has toured Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia & the US, and has recorded over 20 albums. She graduated from Berklee College of Music, and the Sound, Voice & Music Healing Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, California. She is inspired by being in nature, being in silence and by the possibilities of using sound for transformation. She is also a sound teacher and healer, very much in love with birds, mountains and all forms of water.